Hey guys! Thanks for being patient while I got my post on the Pacapod diaper bag ready for y'all! It's been a crazy couple weeks trying to get operation baby prep completed! But I am so excited to be giving away a Pacapod to one of my sweet followers! I heard about Pacapod a couple months before I got pregnant, and when I did get pregnant I knew I had to have one for this baby.
There are so many cute options through Pacapod but my favorite is the Firenze in Putty! It is the most beautiful color and the leather detail is amazing. All those things aside though, the best part about it is what this bag is capable of. The cool thing about this diaper bag that makes it unique is the different sections for both mom and baby! One section is perfect just for mom. You can put all of your makeup, keys, wallet, whatever you want in that section without mixing it will all of your baby essentials because...dun dun dun! There is a different section you unzip on the back that is specially for all your supplies! The "pods" are what this bag is all about. Inside the baby section there is a pod for bottles, and it is insulated so it keeps them cool! There is another pod where yo can keep wipes, binkies, diapers, anything you need! I love having a bag where I can keep everything separate and not be scrambling for my keys or my chapstick like a chicken with my head cut off haha
This bag truly is a must for moms who have already been down the road of struggling to maintain it all in one little bag! If you haven't already, head over to my Instagram and find out how you can enter to win one for yourself!
This post is sponsored by Pacapod, but all opinions and comments are my own.

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